
About GrassFire

GrassFire is a provider of leadership development, executive coaching, organizational development, personal development, and health education services. Led by Dr. David M Robertson, our customized programs blend proven theories and techniques to assist professionals and businesses in the Wichita, Kansas, metro area and beyond in reaching their full potential.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to deliver exceptional, cutting-edge, and results-driven development solutions to professionals and organizations committed to growth.

Vision Statement

To remain a top-tier and trusted name in the development industry.

Mission Statement

By providing intellectual and career growth to students via proprietary, science-based, and vision-focused development programs.

Unique Positions

      • GrassFire offers exclusive development services utilizing our own proprietary development methodology.

      • GrassFire delivers adaptable training tailored to the individual student, taking into account their specific preferences and requirements.

      • GrassFire offers a science-supported, blended program that incorporates a range of theories and principles tailored to the student’s specific situation.

      • GrassFire provides development training utilizing a distinct and established behavior modification method not available in any other development program.


      1. Leadership Development
      2. Organizational Development
      3. Personal Development
      4. Health Education

    Value Proposition

    GrassFire Industries LLC provides professional development services to assist growth-oriented professionals and businesses in achieving their objectives. Our unique, tailored training program combines comprehensive assessment, self-evaluation, and leadership and organizational skill development to deliver long-lasting results. Our proprietary program, designed around clear, easy-to-digest conversations, equips you with everything you need for success. With no hidden costs, additional materials to purchase, or prerequisites, the only requirement is your desire to lead. Choose GrassFire Industries LLC for top-notch professional development.

    The GrassFire Logo

    Both staff and students take the logo VERY seriously. It means something special. It represents a journey, an accomplishment, and personal growth.

      1. There are two sides to the logo (left/right). This has two meanings. First, it represents the teacher/student relationship – which is VERY important to us. However, it also represents the old and new students, as they are usually two very different people after going through our programs.
      2. The Grass portion represents something established – something that took time to foster and grow. Before you start a program with GrassFire, the grass represents the OLD you. When we set Fire to the old you and burn down the old ways, newer and healthier Grass grows in its place. So when you graduate, the Grass represents the new you as well. During all of our programs, we learn that this is a never-ending cycle (if we are doing it right).
      3. That’s where the Fire comes in. Our instructors are arsonists that ignite the Fire within. This Fire represents the challenge, opportunity, overcoming fear, and the necessary element to make room for the new. It is swift and sometimes jarring, and the Fire takes everything with it. Our program is about a fundamental change in the way we see our world. Everything has an opportunity to change and grow stronger when old ways of thinking are burned down. In its place… new HEALTHY growth.
      4. The three leaves and three flames represent a crucial part of the program built around the principle of three (such as communication, decision-making, influence, etc.).

      These unique programs works! The testimonials demonstrate a program that results in a stronger leader who can think outside of the box and effectively communicate visionary decisions with others. Are you ready?