

Transformational…that’s what it is.

I began my journey with David, with over 20 years of military leadership experience. I've led Marines in combat and served as the Chief Instructor and Academic Director of one of the Marine Corps University's leadership academies. I built a successful career leading and teaching leadership. After leaving the military, I founded and ran my own company and continue to mentor and consult business leaders in my current role. Suffice it to say I have a solid grasp of leadership principles. That said, David's program challenged and expanded my understanding of leadership in ways I could never have anticipated.

Transformational...that's what it is.

Put what you know about management and traditional leadership development models aside--I'm a KLC graduate. The key is in the contrast! What David does goes far beyond "turning up the heat." David draws on psychology, sociology, anthropology, and history as the foundation of his program but then tailors the experience to create a personalized and holistic approach to self-discovery. What makes David unique is his ability to blend academic insights with real-world applications. Spend time with him, and you quickly recognize his vast wealth of knowledge and passion for true leadership. His teachings were not confined to theoretical concepts; they are deeply rooted in practicality...and, more importantly...accuracy. Unlike therapists I've seen who helped me process my PTSD, develop self-awareness, and understand my personal psychology, David took things a step further, empowering me to reconcile and weaponize my understanding of myself, my life experiences, and the greater role I have to play in the world around me.

He challenged me...intellectually and emotionally.

At times, it was uncomfortable, but oh, it was so worth it! I was able to uncover my personal blind spots, biases, and other barriers that have been holding me back from reaching my full potential as a leader. He helped me analyze the setbacks in my life and see them as more than that.

Throughout the program, David encouraged self-reflection, fostering a deeper understanding of my own leadership style, my relationship with power, and the impact I have on others. Because of this, I am not only a better business leader but also a better spouse, father, friend, and mentor. I'm a better ME.

This is no hyperbole. Dr. David Robertson's Leadership Excellence In Practice (LEIP) program was nothing short of life-changing for me. His unparalleled knowledge, combined with his passion for what he does, has elevated my leadership abilities to new heights. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn from him and would wholeheartedly recommend his program to anyone seeking to unlock their full leadership potential. David's teachings have left an indelible mark on me. Well worth the money....and invaluable experience.

Lance Minor
Director, Kansas Family Business Forum
Wichita State University

GrassFire Industries

Lance Minor
Director, Kansas Family Business Forum
Wichita State University

I was able to uncover my personal blind spots, biases, and other barriers that have been holding me back from reaching my full potential as a leader. He helped me analyze the setbacks in my life and see them as more than that.

Life Changing Results

Direction is the single word that came to mind looking back where I was when I met you. Actually it was the lack of direction and lack confidence that I struggled with. I had no clue what to expect when we first met, but I knew that the referral to meet with you was from a business acquaintance that had seen me through struggles of taking over a business that had hit rock bottom. I had hit a point of confusion and uncertainty. My first meeting can honestly be described as skepticism. I wasn’t sure how you were going to change my circumstances.

I had experienced other leadership styles, taken some leadership courses through college and read many articles that described what true leadership was and was not, I also experienced the difference between management and leadership and knew it played a crucial role in an organization. I had no clue that the discussions and education I received from you would open my mind personally to allow life changing results (which will be a work in progress). Of course the skepticism came from wondering if it was just a matter of timing, you aligning the stars for me or as you often referred to as “the simplest answer is usually the correct one”, that I began to build confidence, began to allow opportunities to be an opportunity and suddenly with in a very short amount of time my business went from lacking direction, having just me and a part time person, to having me, a full time person and an office administrator and more work than time allows for.

David, thank you so much for the patience you had for me and the wealth of knowledge you have to challenge me to learn and grow personally and professionally.

Zachary Beyer, President
Red Spade Investigations
(316) 691-8580

GrassFire Industries

Zachary Beyer, President
Red Spade Investigations
(316) 691-8580

My first meeting can honestly be described as skepticism. I wasn’t sure how you were going to change my circumstances. I had no clue that the discussions and education I received from you would open my mind personally to allow life changing results (which will be a work in progress). (Click the title for the full story.)

David offers something different

Leadership classes are great and can educate students on the academics of leadership.  Attendees can tell you all about the characteristics of leadership.  However, learning this information is very different than applying it and actually being a leader.  A major hurdle for any leadership class or seminar is that everyone is different.  Each student has different strengths and different faults yet the curriculum isn’t adaptable to address those differences.

David offers something completely different at Grassfire Industries.  This is not a “canned” program or slideshow that is identical from student to student.  Course content isn’t delivered in the traditional sense which is almost always one-way.  Instead, it is one-on-one interaction with a natural progression that reveals your strengths and weaknesses and teaches you how to improve or use both.

For me, it opened my eyes to new information, reinforced many core leadership principles that have always been important to me, and helped me to chart a course for future growth and success.  But most of all it provided me with a RESET button that I didn’t even know existed when I started.

Thank you, David, for your time and devotion to my personal and professional development.

Robert Seacat
Owner | CEO

GrassFire Industries

Robert Seacat
Owner | CEO

Course content isn’t delivered in the traditional sense which is almost always one-way.  Instead, it is one-on-one interaction with a natural progression that reveals your strengths and weaknesses and teaches you how to improve or use both. For me, it opened my eyes to new information, reinforced many core leadership principles that have always been important to me, and helped me to chart a course for future growth and success.  But most of all it provided me with a RESET button that I didn’t even know existed when I started.

This program would be beneficial for anyone

I was fortunate to have an opportunity to explore an avenue for organizational leadership training and development that’s available right here locally in the ICT.  I completed the Leadership Excellence in Practice (LEIP) program at GrassFire Industries with David and can attest to its benefits. The life-impacting concepts and perspectives that are seamlessly overlaid onto every situation offer the ability to do everything strategically. More than a set of rules to follow or methods to memorize Grassfire offers the complete integration of these ideas into all aspects of life. There’s nothing to memorize because you just behave differently, strategically.

The one-on-one tailored experience combined with the programs natural integration of leadership skills into all aspects of life make it easy to live and act more strategically as a leader. Concepts and tools I learned have stuck better and made a much more noticeable lasting change than in other leadership courses I’ve taken. Dave teaches transformational leadership by helping people to transform themselves.  As Dave says - Life is leadership and leadership is life.

Ultimately the program helped me to learn some things about myself and the world around me. Dave provided some different perspectives and ideas when it comes to leadership. I think this program would be beneficial for anyone. Although it is tough to say what another person’s experience will be because it is a custom-tailored experience.   I am confident that if someone is open and honest with Dave and willing to grow that they will find the modules and the experience as beneficial and useful as I have.

Christopher W. Pace
Director of IT Business Systems
Meritrust Credit Union

GrassFire Industries

Christopher W. Pace
Director of IT Business Systems
Meritrust Credit Union

The one-on-one tailored experience combined with the programs natural integration of leadership skill into all aspects of life make it easy to live and act more strategically as a leader. Concepts and tools I learned have stuck better and made a much more noticeable lasting change then other leadership courses I’ve taken. Dave teaches transformational leadership by helping people to transform themselves.  As Dave says - Life is leadership and leadership is life. (Click the title for the full story.)

Helped Me Regain Confidence

That's how I felt prior to arriving at GrassFire Industries and collaborating with David Robertson. I was grateful for the life I had prior to starting the Leadership Excellence in Practice program, yet I had allowed myself to lose focus of living with intention and being the leader of my own life. David's skilled ability to facilitate transformational leadership was evident in our first meeting. I appreciate the way in which he reveals opportunities to achieve success. His mindful approach through the leadership process, has helped me regain confidence and a sense of calm that had been missing for years. Thank You David for your exceptional teaching techniques, extensive knowledge and genuine, caring dedication to your students. I'm grateful to be a part of the GrassFire family.

Jan Coons, Warrant Officer

GrassFire Industries

Jan Coons, Warrant Officer

His mindful approach through the leadership process, has helped me regain confidence and a sense of calm that had been missing for years. Thank You David for your exceptional teaching techniques, extensive knowledge and genuine, caring dedication to your students. (Click the title for the full story.)

I am Forever Grateful

Here is your invitation to living the life you dreamed!

I am truly blessed with the opportunity to connect with David Robertson at Grassfire Industries through his leadership program. The lessons I learned are invaluable and have given me the courage and confidence to turn down the noise of my inner critic and tune into my most authentic inner voice inspiring me to believe in my own powers.

David is one-of-a-kind! He offers anyone, of any age or profession, a game-changing experience, to believe in oneself and help create the road-map to achieve one’s dreams. His demeanor is raw, real, authentic, and powerful. He is incredibly insightful and has a tenacious spirit and the heart of a lion.

I am forever grateful for the time I spent with David, just one-on-one time, full of vulnerability and grit. His leadership program is personalized to the individual, filled with real-life conversations, helping the pupil to overcome self-doubt, take risks, trust in one’s intuitions, let go of mistakes and insecurities, handle rejection, build confidence and so much more. I cannot recommend this leadership program enough.

Please accept this invitation. Give David a call. You will be glad you did. I promise.

Sarah Kriwiel
Business Development Manager
Arizona Appliance & Home

GrassFire Industries

Sarah Kriwiel
Business Development Manager
Arizona Appliance & Home

I am forever grateful for the time I spent with David, just one-on-one time, full of vulnerability and grit. His leadership program is personalized to the individual, filled with real-life conversations, helping the pupil to overcome self-doubt, take risks, trust in one’s intuitions, let go of mistakes and insecurities, handle rejection, build confidence and so much more. I cannot recommend this leadership program enough.

The Results are Absolutely Magical

I like to tease David that what he does is magic. I know that’s not true, in fact it’s very scientific and backed by a ton of research. However, I stand firm by the fact that the results are absolutely magical.

David is always saying “leadership is life, life is leadership”, and now I understand why. Because, I was looking for something to teach me how to be a good leader in order to run my business better, but what I got was a completely new outlook on life. It’s transformed not only how I conduct business, but also my relationships, my self-image, and even my purpose. There is not a single aspect of my life that hasn’t been affected for the better.

I am forever grateful for the role that David and Grassfire Industries has had in contributing to my success!

Tracy Rosenberry
Tax & Bookkeeping Specialist
Ledger Harmony

GrassFire Industries

Tracy Rosenberry
Tax & Bookkeeping Specialist
Ledger Harmony

I was looking for something to teach me how to be a good leader in order to run my business better, but what I got was a completely new outlook on life. It’s transformed not only how I conduct business, but also my relationships, my self-image, and even my purpose. There is not a single aspect of my life that hasn’t been affected for the better. (Click the title for the full story.)

Helped me develop the courage to see

David helped me develop the courage to see what I didn’t want to see. Only then could I even begin to experience freedom.

I did not understand what leadership truly was, nor did I lead my life until I took David’s course. His extensive didactic training combined with his powerful personality, immense intellectual depth and cognitive flexibility, wisdom, intuition, life experience, and an undying passion to teach result in a one-on-one program tailored to YOU that is nothing short of transformative. David gives freely of himself and his time to help others improve their lives with concepts and skills that I have never seen before. His program is phenomenal. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re feeling “stuck.” I wish his program were mandatory, as I wish everyone could experience the awakening. David taught me so much. As a person who celebrates andragogy and pedagogy in all forms, David threw something unparalleled and delightfully different at my mind, forever changing it. THIRTEEN Michelin stars, crank the volume to eleven, 20/10. It will change your life and make you a better human.

I was a bedraggled mess when David found me. Sometimes, I still am. The difference now? IT’S OKAY. I can own it when I am not perfect. I was so afraid of imperfection that I’d sabotage. Sometimes I still do, but it’s NOT OKAY because now I know the truth and the power of personal responsibility. But it IS okay because I am human, and I will inevitably mess up. Because of David, I’m now armed with the tools to catch myself sabotaging (or be open to listening to feedback) to redirect and amend. Paradoxically, the “permission” to be fallible has been essential to my success.

I also felt stuck when I first met David. His program helped me realize that I am never really stuck unless I choose to be. I don’t ever have to sit feeling miserable and helpless in a box of my own construct again if I don’t want to. I was conditioned into creating and then forcing myself to occupy farcical gulags. David’s deconditioning has been essential to my freedom.
Thank you, David, for everything.

Dr. Jacqueline Newel, MD MS

GrassFire Industries

Dr. Jacqueline Newel, MD MS

I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, especially if you’re feeling “stuck.” I wish his program were mandatory, as I wish everyone could experience the awakening. David taught me so much.

I am so grateful!

I just completed Grassfire Industries LEIP Program and I am so grateful for the time David put into helping me get off my feet and succeed in life and leadership. His unique, powerful, and intimate approach with one-on-one guidance far exceeded my expectations. I learned how to lead myself into success, new ways to approach parenting, how to work with others as an independent contractor, and how to structure my yoga therapy business in a way I can help my clients reach their goals by sharing a vision of hope to live well again in a holistic way. You won't regret taking the LEIP!

Sarah previously went through the Foundations in Leadership program. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to come back to complete the LEIP program.  You can read about her previous experience by clicking here.

Sarah Cummins, Owner
Waterfall Yoga, LLC

GrassFire Industries

Sarah Cummins, Owner
Waterfall Yoga, LLC

His unique, powerful, and intimate approach with one-on-one guidance far exceeded my expectations. I learned how to lead myself into success, new ways to approach parenting, how to work with others as an independent contractor, and how to structure my yoga therapy business in a way I can help my clients reach their goals

I Feel I Am Better Equipped Now

This program gets 5 Stars! If you are truly wanting to invest in yourself and your leadership skills GrassFire is for you. David creates an amazing atmosphere for learning and growth. GrassFire is a 1 on 1 deep dive into leadership tactics and strategy. David has an amazing wealth of knowledge when it comes to the subject of leadership. This program sharpened my leadership skills and gave me many new tools to use in every facet of my life. I saw many changes in my leadership skills over the 14 weeks and I feel I am better equipped now to be a leader in my organization.

Neil Dickson
Director of Business Banking
Meritrust Credit Union

GrassFire Industries

Neil Dickson
Director of Business Banking
Meritrust Credit Union

This program gets 5 Stars! This program sharpened my leadership skills and gave me many new tools to use in every facet of my life. I saw many changes in my leadership skills and I feel I am better equipped now to be a leader in my organization.

The best professional decision I’ve ever made

The practical insights, tools, and leadership skills which I have gained from the LEIP Program will propel my Financial Services business to new heights. I’ve been in professional leadership for many years. I’ve obtained leadership training all along the way… but I would state, unequivocally, that my decision to embark on and complete this training is the best professional decision I’ve ever made. The ROI will be tremendous. I would submit to current or aspiring leaders – avail yourself to this training. It will provide you with skills and tools that will revolutionize your life and business that you won’t get from conventional leadership training. Thank you, David, for your dedicated investment in me! It is paying off!

Jim Reynolds, MBA
Succentrix Business Advisors
Cell 316-789-4444

GrassFire Industries

Jim Reynolds, MBA
Succentrix Business Advisors
Cell 316-789-4444

I would submit to current or aspiring leaders – avail yourself to this training. It will provide you with skills and tools that will revolutionize your life and business that you won’t get from conventional leadership training. Thank you, David, for your dedicated investment in me! It is paying off! (Click the title for the full story.)

I Highly Recommend

Excellent Leadership training, David does a great job at creating a personal one on one training experience. I have gone to a coupe of leadership classes but this is by far the best experience I have had, he is very personal and takes the time to make each lesson relatable. I highly recommend anyone looking to improve their leadership skills to take a class with David!

Matt Williams
Manager of IT Business Systems
Meritrust Credit Union

GrassFire Industries

Matt Williams
Manager of IT Business Systems
Meritrust Credit Union

I have gone to a coupe of leadership classes but this is by far the best experience I have had, he is very personal and takes the time to make each lesson relatable.

All I can say is THANK YOU!!!

This program is not just for Adults. I was struggling with my 16 year old daughter. No motivation, lack of direction, wouldn't talk to anyone (especially me) - she would just sit in her room on social media all day. I was at the end of my rope. She has had her struggles through the years and has seen various therapists, counselors, etc. I was just hoping someone would get through to her, no one did. It was looking like the last resort was medicating her. Then I came across this program. I enrolled her and all I can say is THANK YOU!!!

Since graduating, she has secured a job, her GPA is a 3.8 (up from a concerning 2.75) and she is studying and applying herself - she is actually trying! Her relationships, especially with me, have improved and I feel, for the first time in a really long time, she is excited to discover what the future holds. She now possess the tools to navigate through the rest of high school and get the most out of it and make something of her future. Thank you, David, for giving me my daughter back.

Jennifer Sexton
(Madison's Mother)

GrassFire Industries

Jennifer Sexton
(Madison's Mother)

This program is not just for Adults. I was struggling with my 16 year old daughter. It was looking like the last resort was medicating her. Then I came across this program. I enrolled her and all I can say is THANK YOU!!! Thank you, David, for giving me my daughter back. (Click the title for the full story.)

From Emotional Chaos to a Calm

From emotional chaos to......a calm work in progress

I went into this program banking on a mundane, run-of-the-mill, boring leadership program.

Nope! This program is NOTHING ordinary, and thank goodness for that. On my first day, I entered as a very emotional creature with many conditioned views and a lack of confidence. I knew where I wanted to be but didn't know how to get there. David taught me how to see my vision vividly and set up my mission to success. On my first day, I remember tearing up 30 minutes in because I KNEW it would be life-changing. We talked about so many things that I had turned my wheels on and knew I needed guidance, but I was unsure how to ask for help. How to put into words what I was actually seeking from all aspects of life, the confidence to do so, or just simply where to start. David taught me to look at things from an aerial view. To look at all sides and all aspects and be calm in all realms. I walked out of this program as a confident person. Knowledgeable, calm, changed. I walked out as a better leader for my business and family.

Thank you for helping me start my journey to a healthier home and business life.

Jennifer Rutledge
General Manager

GrassFire Industries

Jennifer Rutledge
General Manager

This program is NOTHING ordinary. On my first day, I entered as a very emotional creature with many conditioned views and a lack of confidence. I knew where I wanted to be but didn't know how to get there. David taught me how to see my vision vividly and set up my mission to success. On my first day, I remember tearing up 30 minutes in because I KNEW it would be life-changing. We talked about so many things that I had turned my wheels on and knew I needed guidance, but I was unsure how to ask for help. I walked out as a better leader for my business and family.

Do yourself and your people a favor

The value of learning the art of leadership from someone who understands it on the highest level cannot be overstated. Even if you already think you understand it, this training will benefit you. I was comfortable with my 5 years’ experience as a manager but taking GrassFire’s Leadership Excellence in Practice course, I quickly learned how under-developed my skills were. I gained new insights and tools in key areas such as delegation, having effective one on one's, casting vision, giving feedback, developing others, leading meetings, and more. What will help the most are the resources GrassFire provided to allow me to continually improve as a leader.

What I learned there and put into practice changed the trajectory of my ministry team. I saw positive outcomes in crucial conversations and better relationships formed because of it. I don't want to know how my team would look today had I not had this guidance. Do yourself and your people a favor by taking this course.

Brandon Little, Minister
Children's Ministries Director
Victory Fellowship

GrassFire Industries

Brandon Little, Minister
Children's Ministries Director
Victory Fellowship

I gained new insights and tools in key areas such as delegation, having effective one on one's, casting vision, giving feedback, developing others, leading meetings, and more. What will help the most are the resources GrassFire provided to allow me to continually improve as a leader. (Click the title for the full story.)

My Outlook on Life Has Changed

What an amazing opportunity I was given to learn from such a great leader.  David’s approach of one on one conversations is the key to my success with this program.  I have been in management for over ½ my life, and the key word here is "management"; not necessarily leadership.  I have so many leadership skills that had never been cultivated.  David has shown me how to develop those skills and put them to use.  My outlook in life (both work and home) has changed drastically over during the course of this class.  David starts with simple concepts and builds on those each class to present the many powerful "wow moments" throughout.  I truly believe everyone should invest in their personal and professional growth by taking this class.  One of the best parts for me now, is when someone says "there is something different about you"  or "you seem more relaxed", etc.  These comments tell me that people are noticing the changes I’m implementing and that it’s working!  As David told me in the first class, if you want to change, you have to take action now.

Mindy Horsch
Mortgage Loan Operations Manager
Peoples Bank and Trust

GrassFire Industries

Mindy Horsch
Mortgage Loan Operations Manager
Peoples Bank and Trust

I truly believe everyone should invest in their personal and professional growth by taking this class.  One of the best parts for me now, is when someone says "there is something different about you"  or "you seem more relaxed", etc.  These comments tell me that people are noticing the changes I’m implementing and that it’s working!

Life altering results!

I want to thank you David, for the guidance to actually helping me envision what it takes to be a successful leader. Although I was skeptical at first, your knowledge and understanding of the way the mind works is incredible. You have opened many doors for me to be more successful at work and in life in general, as well as to tap into my full potential as a strong knowledgeable leader. My growth had been noticed just after a few courses. I would and have recommended this course to others as it has given me the tools to move forward with my goals and be successful in all aspects of life!

Gary Rogers

Gary Rogers
Red Spade Investigations

GrassFire Industries

Gary Rogers
Red Spade Investigations

My growth had been noticed just after a few courses. I would and have recommended this course to others as it has given me the tools to move forward with my goals and be successful in all aspects of life!

I feel so much more confident now!

David, I wanted to send you some feedback about the Leadership Excellence in Practice Program I went through with you. You often hear people talk about how much they got out of a seminar or a workshop, but this program goes so far beyond that.  It is very in-depth and relevant, and it moves along effortlessly.  It seems like no more than having a conversation with a good friend, but somehow, you still recognize that you are learning and growing.  After only the first session, I began to see an improvement in my practices, my confidence level and my success.  This program is truly and positively life altering.  I finally addressed some difficult things about myself and past disappointments and failures that have continued to hold me back over the years.  I feel so much more confident now, and I can move forward to be the very best leader possible. I can't tell you how very grateful I am for your patience and insight through the program.  I will recommend this program to anyone who wants to be successful in business and in life, and honestly anyone who will listen to me rave about it!  Thank you again for everything.

Elizabeth Hamilton-Dickey, Agent
Farmers Insurance Group
(316) 683-7971

GrassFire Industries

Elizabeth Hamilton-Dickey, Agent
Farmers Insurance Group
(316) 683-7971

It is very in-depth and relevant, and it moves along effortlessly.  It seems like no more than having a conversation with a good friend, but somehow, you still recognize that you are learning and growing.  After only the first session, I began to see an improvement in my practices, my confidence level and my success.  This program is truly and positively life altering. (Click the title for the full story.)

I will now be in that 20% after this

I have participated in a few group sessions on how to be a leader and have seen several inspirational nuggets from people self-identifying as leadership experts on social media. None of that prepared me for the individualized deep dive training I received from Dr. David Robertson of GrassFire Industries.

Dr. Robertson will break apart several hurtful norms that we have accepted as a society. Each week, he helps you navigate misconceptions that have been around and preached for many decades. The best part is that not only did I positively transform from this program, I know much more growth will come as I apply the principles learned through GrassFire.

Every person who runs a business or is a leader at their job needs to experience this – and have their colleagues go through it as well. Imagine a unit working together to achieve a Vision using the best principles available… the trajectory would be remarkable.

Dr. Robertson reinforced to me that being the best takes a lot of effort, something only 20% of the world actually practices. I know I will now be in that 20% after this experience. I will BeThe20.

Shawn Bauman
Driven Tax Strategies

GrassFire Industries

Shawn Bauman
Driven Tax Strategies

I have participated in a few group sessions on how to be a leader and have seen several inspirational nuggets from people self-identifying as leadership experts on social media. None of that prepared me for the individualized deep dive training I received from Dr. David Robertson of GrassFire Industries. Every person who runs a business or is a leader at their job needs to experience this. I know I will now be in that 20% after this experience.

I am a Different Person

I recently completed the Leadership Development program: LEIP, and I am a different person than when I began 3 months ago. I met David at a networking event and at the suggestion of a fellow graduate and friend, I scheduled a consultation. After spending time with him, I decided to take the ‘leap’ and eagerly enrolled in the program. I will be forever grateful I made that decision.

David helped me find the person and the leader that has been inside of me all along. I am now a person who truly embraces change and no longer fears risk. I now have the ability to not only create and run the successful business I have dreamed of but to be a transformation leader for those that share my vision. I am a better person having completed this program and am excited to begin my journey as a LEIP graduate.

Jeanine Long
Owner Operator
Connecting Families

GrassFire Industries

Jeanine Long
Owner Operator
Connecting Families

David helped me find the person and the leader that has been inside of me all along. I am now a person who truly embraces change and no longer fears risk. I am a better person having completed this program and am excited to begin my journey as a LEIP graduate.

Life Changing Leadership Training

I have been to quite a few leadership courses throughout my career, but none have had the impact of Dr. David Robertson’s Leadership Development Program (LEIP).

What makes it stand out is how personalized it is. Instead of just giving lectures to a group, David works with you one-on-one, tailoring the program to fit your life and career. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, and that’s just one of the things that makes it so different and effective.

Thanks to Dr. Robertson’s guidance, I’ve discovered a lot about myself. My strengths, weaknesses, and how to make the most of both. I’ve become more critical in my thinking, always weighing different perspectives before making decisions. What I used to see as problems, I now see them as opportunities to learn and improve.

This program has given me the confidence to lead my business in my own way and become a better leader overall. I believe in it enough that I have begun to send all my managers to him. I look forward to working with a team that will be like-minded, vision and goals-driven.

But it’s not just about work. Dr. Robertson also helped me improve my health by teaching me about nutrition. I’ve steadily lost weight and feel fantastic!

Being part of Dr. Robertson’s program has been a game changer for me, and I’m excited to continue growing with his support and as a LEIP graduate.

Kevin Payne
Raptor Manufacturing

GrassFire Industries

Kevin Payne
Raptor Manufacturing

This program has given me the confidence to lead my business in my own way and become a better leader overall. I believe in it enough that I have begun to send all my managers to him.

It Changed the Trajectory of My Life

Going through the Leadership Development program with David changed the trajectory of my life. The enormity of that cannot be overstated. It would not have happened otherwise and I am elated.

I have attended dozens of seminars, workshops, leadership programs and have read many related books. This program delivers what the others promise. Developing the characteristics of a leader is not achieved in a few hours or days. That's one of the many reasons David's program works - it's purposely designed over many weeks to ensure you become a leader, not just give it lip service.

Regardless of your age, job, personal situation, this program will enable you to evaluate where you are and where you want to go and arm you with the tools to get there. Through the personal and confidential sessions, these new critical thinking tools will become second nature.

Give David a call. Meet with him. Give yourself the opportunity to change your future. He's the real deal and you will be forever thankful.

Alicia Holloway
Former President
Wichita Independent Business Assoc.

GrassFire Industries

Alicia Holloway
Former President
Wichita Independent Business Assoc.

I have attended dozens of seminars, workshops, leadership programs and have read many related books. This program delivers what the others promise. Regardless of your age, job, personal situation, this program will enable you to evaluate where you are and where you want to go and arm you with the tools to get there. He's the real deal and you will be forever thankful.

I Started Out Skeptical

I started out this program with David feeling skeptical about all the hype about how this program was going to “change me” and grow me as a leader. Yet here I am at the finish line and I feel a confidence that I never had. David was great at building rapport and trust with me the first several weeks.

When it finally felt safe to let my guard down, I noticed the lessons truly sinking in and positive change happening at work and in my personal life. Along with the invaluable lessons of the program, the 1:1 mentorship from a certified leadership professional was just what I needed at this time in my professional career. I came out of the program with a new level of confidence in my leadership abilities and access to a lifelong mentor.

-David’s #1 Brilliant, Funniest, Charming Grassfire Student

Randa S. Wilson | MBA
Keller Williams Hometown Partners LLC

GrassFire Industries

Randa S. Wilson | MBA
Keller Williams Hometown Partners LLC

I started out feeling skeptical about all the hype about how this program was going to “change me” and grow me as a leader. Yet here I am at the finish line and I feel a confidence that I never had. Along with the invaluable lessons of the program, the 1:1 mentorship from a certified leadership professional was just what I needed at this time in my professional career. I came out of the program with a new level of confidence in my leadership abilities and access to a lifelong mentor.

What I have been searching for!

It is an honor to be a student of Dr. David Robertson and a graduate of The GrassFire LEIP Program.

I rate this 5 Stars!

The program has made me a better leader for my family, friends, and anyone directly involved with me. Dr. Robertson brought out the best in me by equipping me with the tools to unlock my potential. This isn't a cookie-cutter program; it's the real deal—intense, challenging, and full of 'wow moments.' You leave the class fully prepared for your leadership roles. I can honestly say this is what I have been looking for. I’m happy I did this.

Doc, thank you for taking me on as your student and changing my life.

Those considering this journey know that Dr. Robertson possesses a wealth of knowledge he generously shares. The program is detailed and customized. My program was customized to me. Write as much as you can. What you learn here is true leadership. If you are fortunate enough to be near Dr. Robertson, absorb as much information as possible.

Thank you again for everything, Doc! I am forever grateful.

Steward Bortey | MBA
Printing Consultant
The Print Source

GrassFire Industries

Steward Bortey | MBA
Printing Consultant
The Print Source

Dr. Robertson brought out the best in me by equipping me with the tools to unlock my potential. This isn't a cookie-cutter program; it's the real deal—intense, challenging, and full of 'wow moments.'

The Best Thing I Could Have Done

This is a program that makes you really become aware of yourself with respect to your leadership abilities. It is a program that covers a lot of ground regarding leadership and what that really means and invites you to think about it in new and different ways. David is extremely engaging and incredibly smart. Being able to take this course and having the one-on-one environment versus a classroom made all the difference in the world because of the personalization and deep discussions it allowed. It was engaging and allowed for a lot of interaction.

I learned a lot about myself during the program, both personally and professionally; it was very eye-opening! David pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and my conditioned way of thinking and see things from an entirely different perspective. I have taken multiple leadership courses in the past and can honestly say, hands down; this was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Every single leader out there should take this course. Thank you, David!!

Renee Encerti
Marketing Director
Davis Moore Auto Group

GrassFire Industries

Renee Encerti
Marketing Director
Davis Moore Auto Group

I have taken multiple leadership courses in the past and can honestly say, hands down; this was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Every single leader out there should take this course.
GrassFire Industries

Note: The views expressed in these testimonials are the opinions of the person providing them. They are provided here exactly as they were received.