Throughout my life I have had the sense that I was missing some key component to being able to be the person I knew I was. I wasn't entirely sure what "Leadership" was when I first signed up for the LEIP program, but seeing David's credentials and having read some of his works, it was okay that I didn't totally understand, because I knew he was capable of teaching me. Starting with the first class I became acutely aware of opportunities to implement what I had learned. I began seeing my role in my family, relationships, and work environment from the perspective that these are not stressors to be managed, but opportunities to be had. This shift has enabled me to set out on a path I once only gazed at in my daydreams. Leadership is truly the missing key to unlocking the door to sustained growth. When you think of it, isn't that what living really is? I am eternally grateful for the work that David does. Without it I don't know that I would have been able to make the tough decisions that we're essential to living the life I was meant to lead.

Rachel Couch
Yoga, Health & Wellness Coach
Rachel Couch
Yoga, Health & Wellness Coach
Starting with the first class I became acutely aware of opportunities to implement what I had learned. I began seeing my role in my family, relationships, and work environment from the perspective that these are not stressors to be managed, but opportunities to be had. I am eternally grateful for the work that David does. Without it I don't know that I would have been able to make the tough decisions that we're essential to living the life I was meant to lead. (Click the title for the full story.)