Direction is the single word that came to mind looking back where I was when I met you. Actually it was the lack of direction and lack confidence that I struggled with. I had no clue what to expect when we first met, but I knew that the referral to meet with you was from a business acquaintance that had seen me through struggles of taking over a business that had hit rock bottom. I had hit a point of confusion and uncertainty. My first meeting can honestly be described as skepticism. I wasn’t sure how you were going to change my circumstances.
I had experienced other leadership styles, taken some leadership courses through college and read many articles that described what true leadership was and was not, I also experienced the difference between management and leadership and knew it played a crucial role in an organization. I had no clue that the discussions and education I received from you would open my mind personally to allow life changing results (which will be a work in progress). Of course the skepticism came from wondering if it was just a matter of timing, you aligning the stars for me or as you often referred to as “
the simplest answer is usually the correct one”, that I began to build confidence, began to allow opportunities to be an opportunity and suddenly with in a very short amount of time my business went from lacking direction, having just me and a part time person, to having me, a full time person and an office administrator and more work than time allows for.
David, thank you so much for the patience you had for me and the wealth of knowledge you have to challenge me to learn and grow personally and professionally.

Zachary Beyer, President
Red Spade Investigations
(316) 691-8580
Zachary Beyer, President
Red Spade Investigations
(316) 691-8580
My first meeting can honestly be described as skepticism. I wasn’t sure how you were going to change my circumstances. I had no clue that the discussions and education I received from you would open my mind personally to allow life changing results (which will be a work in progress). (Click the title for the full story.)